Friday, 31 August 2012

Hard Circumstances, Huge Blessings.

Although they face poverty, They are more blessed than we will ever be in so many ways. God’s love for them is overwhelming. He loves them so much and their faith is proof of it. With the abundant blessings the Lord reigns down on them, it would be impossible for them not to have such faith though.. . Honestly I don’t think many of those kids could live, if it weren’t for the Christians sent by God to this area of the world. I especially don’t think that any of them would have a single fun moment in their lives if it weren’t for the love of the Lord all around them. . God is so good to these people! !

Romping Romania Gypsy Stylie!!



These kid’s came by the hundreds, and the love of the Lord came even more abundantly. We got to cycle from village to village sharing the love, hope, and peace of the Lord.

Sunday, 26 August 2012

Once Upon a Time in Romania...

Here are a few glimpses of what we've been doing in Romania so far:

You never thank God for an indoor shower until you don't have one! This is our shower whilst at the base for the cycling outreach in the base at Pitesti,  Romania, and Gabby (from OM Romania) has fixed it up wonderfully! It's sometimes warm, sometimes cold, but it always has a beautiful view! Showering under the stars - it's not something you get to experience very often!

This is the whole team on the bikes. For this outreach our team consisted of 18 people from 11 different countries, which is an excellent experience! On Thursday we left Pitesti on the bikes and headed for the gypsy village of Pauleasca. We worked with the kids, youth and church in Pauleasca and cycled to one other village on Friday to do a kids' programme.

On Thursday night we took part in the service of the church in Pauleasca. A young group from Pitesti also came and led worship. We four different langauges and eleven different nationalities all singing How Great is Our God. The Romanian gypsy children drowned us out and it was fantastic!

Just a glimpse of how happy we made the children and how happy the children made us. They were full of joy and appreciated everything we did for them, and they captured our hearts with their beautiful faces and brilliant smiles!

During the last kids' programme, Edme, a young woman from South Africa on our extended team, asked any kids' who wanted to give their lives to Chrsit to come forward. Most of them did - it was amazing. God used us there.

This is most of our team for the week - minus most of the OMers - along with some  people from the Pauleasca. The people blessed us so much. They made us feel so welcome and, even though we couldn't speak the same language, we were able to communicate how much we appreciated each other.
Prayer points:

  • That the people working continuously in Pauleasca would be blessed and that the people would see through that how mush God loves them
  • That the children who committed their lives to Christ would keep on growing and learning to serve God every day
  • That the rest of the work we will do in Romania (we leave on Thursday) will be glorifying to God!
We hope you enjoyed the pictures! Please keep on praying for us, thank you for keeping up with what we're doing. Remember to subscribe - that way you will get an email update when we post so that you don't have to keep on checking!

God bless!

Friday, 24 August 2012

God moved in Germany!

After 27 hours of driving through 3 different countries, we arrived in Romania! But more of that another time. We want to tell you today about how God moved Germany. It is just incredible and we are so thankful what he did! Some people don't like to read a lot, because of that we made a Videoblog! Check it out:

Saturday, 18 August 2012

A very, very brief update!

This is the team on our way from Lifehope in Halesowen - spot the difference - we now have Mike from the USA in our team instead of Jeremy from Australia! Of course we miss Jeremy, but Mike's awesome too!
As I said, this is a very brief update on what we have been doing since we left the Eden Valley on Sunday 5th August. We traveled south to Halesowen, England, where OM Lifehope is based. OM Lifehope is the part of OM in charge of the Transit team. In Halesowen we spent time bonding as a team, resting, and training in preparation for the continuation of our journey.

On Wednesday (15th August) we left Halesowen and traveled to OM Belgium where we stayed the night. The next morning we came to Simmern in southern Germany. This is where we are currently. We have been working with the church of our team leader, Marvin.  We will leave Simmern tomorrow on our way to Romania where we will be participating in an outreach event involving cycling! Some of us are very excited, and for some it will be a bit of a challenge!

God bless, keep praying for us, and make sure you subscribe!

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

In the Beautiful Eden Valley

From Friday afternoon we have been blessed to be in the beautiful Eden Valley in the north of England. We're working with local Christians in both Methodist and Anglican churches to make contacts in the local villages and spread the love of Christ around! There are 8 Anglican churches and 12 Methodist churches in this area with a short supply of ministers and small congregations. It's wonderful that we can be an encouragement to these believers and help to encourage the breaking down of barriers between the denominations and villages.

Already this week we have had the Olympics opening ceremony shown on a big screen in one church, a ceilidh on Saturday night, two youth events for 11-18 year olds on Monday and Wednesday, open houses in three places with people in the villages coming to a house and meeting us (and each other, for the first time in some cases!), singing and hand-bell ringing workshop yesterday and a film night tonight (Wednesday) in a local primary school. And Chris dressed up as John Wesley and rode a horse around a village where Wesley had preached, which was certainly an event (see the picture)!

Chris on his high horse, ha ha!
We've had some great conversation with young people through the Decathlon (as the youth events are entitled) and made contact with many people who the church haven't had contact with before, which is excellent! Pray that God will use the things we've said to people to work in their hearts.

We're very grateful again for the wonderful hospitality that we're enjoying. We are all staying at people's homes and being looked after very well! We have more food than we should eat; it's all wonderful!

Thanks again for your prayers, make sure you follow the blog, share it on Facebook and watch the video!