Sunday, 22 July 2012


Well hello! Welcome to the blog for the "team of 7", one of the two transit teams currently travelling around Europe. We're glad that you have taken an interest in us and chosen to catch up on our blog, and we will try to update it as often as we can so that you can pray for us and, hopefully, be encouraged by us.

We are currently in Kirkintilloch, Scotland, just outside of Glasgow, having just got back from the Transform conference in Rome, Italy, yesterday (Saturday). The Transform conference saw almost 300 young people from all over the world meeting together for a week of fellowship, teaching and outreach in Rome, before being sent out on outreaches in the nations around the Mediterranean. It was here that the Transit teams first met the people with whom they would be living for five months. It was a wonderful week, with lots of fun as well as useful seminars, thought-provoking messages and heartfelt worship.

As we have mentioned, we're currently in Kirkintilloch. We are working with a church here until Friday, Harestanes Baptist Church, which is the only church which meets in a housing area of around 5000 people. The congregation is wonderful! They are fairly elderly, but they love God and they have a genuine heart for the community around then. We have already enjoyed meeting the friendly people and getting to know them over lunch together. We thoroughly enjoyed this morning at church and we're excited about working with these people over the coming days.

This evening we did a prayer walk around the area, which was a very important thing. We realise the crucial role that prayer has in ministry and would appreciate it if you would partner with us in prayer, if you're not already doing so!

The church and OM workers have arranged a programme of outreach for this week which involves kids' activities nights, a movie night, door-to-door work and the Tuesday Friends, which is an event for mature people that the church runs weekly (On Tuesdays, in case you didn't guess).

Pray that non-Christians will come to these events and experience God's love through us, pray that Christians would come and be encouraged, that Christian people in the community who don't attend a church would be encouraged to seek fellowship with other believers and that those of us who are fearful about anything would feel God's comfort and strength.

Thank you again for praying for us, God bless you.

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